John Milne MP leaves Horsham District Council role

John Milne MP for Horsham has announced his resignation as Horsham District Council member for Denne ward, following his success in the July 4 General Election.
John Milne has already stepped down from his previous roles as Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Planning & Infrastructure.
John Milne said:
“I’m very sad to be leaving my role as a district councillor - simply because it’s been such a fantastic experience! I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working alongside my fellow Lib Dem councillors and HDC officers. Every council faces big challenges of course, but we’re lucky to have such a committed and professional group of people working for us in Horsham.
“When I first stood for election back in 2019 the Lib Dems had just 4 district council seats. Now we have an outright majority. Having previously been in opposition, it has been immensely satisfying to be involved in positive change, delivering on our manifesto and mandate.
“In my general election campaign I pledged to serve as a constituency MP, working hand in glove with the district council. But the demands of the Parliamentary schedule would make attendance at formal HDC meetings too difficult to maintain.”
John will continue to serve as County Councillor for Horsham Riverside, as the meetings are more compatible with the Parliamentary calendar. He intends to complete his term of office and step down at the next all-out WSCC election, which is in May 2025.
John Milne added:
“Although I’m sad to leave, I know we’ve got a great candidate to hopefully take my place in Denne, Ben Hewson. Ben was a key figure in bringing forward the Business Improvement District scheme for Horsham, which will really help the town centre thrive. If elected, I know he’ll do a great job for Denne.”